Learn more about our bells.
St Leonard’s has a ring of eight bells hung for full circle change ringing by experienced bell ringers. The Tenor weighs 11cwt 3 qtrs 2 lbs (586kg) and the bells are in the key of G Major.
In early 2016 a significant amount of work was carried out by John Taylor & Co. Bell Foundry of Loughborough. The work included overhauling the bell installation and tuning the bells which has ensured they are in good and safe condition and will remain so for many years to come.
The bells are rung on Thursday evenings from 7.30pm to 9.00pm. This is the practice night for our bell ringing team and visitors or those who would like to learn change ringing are welcome to join in.
The bells are rung for between 30 and 45 minutes before the Sunday Morning Service on the first and third Sunday of the month during the summer and the first, third and fourth Sunday in the winter.
Occasional extra ringing may take place by visiting teams or for special occasions and weddings.
Our bell ringing team has a separate website which gives full details of the bells, their history, the overhaul work and how to take up change ringing. Please have a look at: www.wortleytower.org.uk
We have an active team of ringers who are members of The Yorkshire Association of Change Ringers. In the Church are leaflets about change ringing at Wortley. The ringers keep a record of their activities on their community Facebook page called “Wortley Church Bell Ringers”.
If you would like to arrange a visit to ring at Wortley or to see the bells as part of a tower tour which can include a ringing demonstration, please contact our Tower Captain Andrew Beevers on the bell ringers mobile phone 07851 727306 or email: wortleytower@gmail.com Please be aware that access to the tower involves climbing ladders. Ringing requests and visits are subject to approval by Revd. Canon Keith Hale and the PCC.
We post regular updates on facebook and would love for you to follow and share with us. @wortleychurch
St Leonard’s has a ring of eight bells hung for full circle change ringing by experienced bell ringers.